Ini adalah blog untuk pertanyaan/kaunseling kepada semua students rajin-rajin melawatinya ok...bye!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tengok Jangan Tak Tengok!!!!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Form 4
Chap 1:
Focus on science process skill from identifying a problems till writting a report...exam may ask you about an experiment and write the science process skills as required.
-Note be prepared for plotting of graph of your experiment(refer to my classes notes)
Chap 2:
Focus on difference between nervous system and endocrine system,knowing what is periphereal nervous system and central nervous system(refer to my classes notes).
- You should also know how to label nervous systems i.e neuron motor,relay neuron or effector,white/grey matter and its functions(refer to my classes notes).
-Functions of cerebrum,cerebelum and medulla oblongata.
-Also focus on labelling endocrine system and their functions! . Drug/alcohol and its effects on human(refer to my classes notes)
Chap 3:
Firstly you learn to labell cells then you focus on difference between Mitosis and meiosis,you must knw hw to draw both as well,refer to my Intensif class notes.
-Also learn the Gregory Mendel cell division/Mendel's Law AC/AD/BC/BD (refer to my classes notes),remember sex determination is 50% - 50%.Finally the factor in extra chromosomes such as Albinism,Down's Syndrome,colour blindness and haemophilia(refer to my classes notes).
Chap 4:
Focus on particles changes from solid to liquid and to gass.
-Arrangement of particles,its energy and which remember what is endothermic(absorbed energy) and exothermic(release energy)(refer to my classes notes).
-learn what is Proton Number/Atom Number-how to calculate it(refer to my intensive class notes)(refer to my classes notes)
-learn what is nucleon number/mass number =(protons + neutrons)(refer to my classes notes)
-learn periodic table (refer intensive class on the coloring of periodic table)metal,semi metal,liquid,gas(refer to my classes notes)
Chap 5:
Focus on the :
-difference between physical and chemical changesremember what is endothermic(absorbed energy) and exothermic(release energy)-also refer Chap 4 for more info.....(refer to my classes notes)
-extraction of metals from its ores-learn and able to give examples such as tin and iron
-process of electrolysis of metals-learn and able to give examples such as aluminium and purifying of copper(refer to my classes notes)
note: cikgu akan terangkan lebih mendalam lagi dalam kelas intensif nanti......jangan ketinggalannya
Chap 6:
Focus on the (refer to my classes notes)
-examples of radioactive substances such as Carbon-14,Cobalt-60,Radium-226,Iodine-131,Uranium-238(refer to my classes notes)
-remember ALPHA rays can penetrate mica and a few sheets of paper only(refer to my classes notes)
-remember BETA rays can penetrate mica,a few sheets of paper and aluminium a few mm thick only(refer to my classes notes)
-remember GAMMA rays can penetrate mica,a few sheets of paper, aluminium a few mm thick and lead a few mm thick only(refer to my classes notes)
-also know that BETA ray attracted to positive(+) electrode(refer to my classes notes)
-also know that ALPHA ray attracted to negative(-) electrode(refer to my classes notes)
-know the difference between nuclear fission between neutron to Uranium-235
-know the difference between nuclear fussion(occuring in the sun):
i) Hydrogen + neutron = deuterium + radiations(refer to my classes notes)
ii)Hydrogen + deuterium = helium + radiations(refer to my classes notes)
note: cikgu akan terangkan lebih mendalam lagi dalam kelas intensif nanti......jangan ketinggalannya
Chap 7:
Focus on the type of images formed by lenses:(refer to my classes notes)
i)Images by using a convex lenses
ii)Images by using a concave lenses
-for both above focus on the object,its distances untill the optical centre and from images to the optical centre(refer to my classes notes)
-for each of the above(i & ii) has 3 different types-kamu kena hafal dan fahami lukisan objek dan ciri2 imejnya iaitu:(refer to my classes notes)
u < u =" f" u =" 2f"> 2f
note: cikgu akan terangkan lebih mendalam lagi dalam kelas intensif nanti......jangan ketinggalannya
-jangan ulangkaji sukatan tingkatan 2 iaitu longsightedness(guna convex lense) and shortsightedness(guna concave lense) serta cara mengatasinya(refer to my classes notes)
-colours of rainbow:ingat formula MJKHBIU-Mamak Jual Kacang Hijau Balik India Utara
-Also you must focus on Primary colours and secondary colours focusing especially on filtering and its effects on white colour when using different filters(blue/green/yellow/cyan)(refer to my classes notes)
Chap 8:
Will be thought to you later in class
note: cikgu akan terangkan lebih mendalam lagi dalam kelas intensif nanti......jangan ketinggalannya
note: refer to my classes notes.......intensive class CONCEPT MAP!!!!
Form 5
Chap 1:
Focus on 5 types of microorganisms(m/o) (refer to my class notes)
-their labelling,habitat,nutrients they need,breed
-factors affecting the growth of m/o i.e nutrient,humidity,light,pH and Temperature
-USAGE ON M/O in this fields:(refer to my class notes)
(you also need to explain a bit with at least 2 examples ok?)
-food digestion(in herbivors or termites)
-food industry(bread/cakes/cookies etc)
-waste treatment(indah water/sewage etc)
-producing medicines(vitamis c,insulines etc)
-decaying process(living organisms decay etc)
-leather indutries(jutes,handbags etc
-Nitrogen fixing bacteira
-DISEASES CAUSED BY M/O:(refer to my class notes)
-you need to remember at least 2 types of diseases then focus on way it spread,symptoms to patient and finally cured for it(refer to my notes early of this year)
-you also need to remember the methods of sterilisation such as Boiling,Antiseptics,Autoclave and Disinfectans
-remember the ways how diseases are transfered such as by vector of mosquitoes and fly(refer to my class notes)
-as far as immunity is concern firstly you learn about Natural and artificial immunity and then both the graph(focusin on the first and second dose of injection)
Chap 2:
Focus on factors affecting the calorific energy needed by a person.(refer to my class notes)
-Also focus nitrogen cycle including the types of bacteria involves such as nitrogen fixing bacteria,decaying bacteria,nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria
-food web(refer to my class notes)
Chap 3:
-sources of pollutions in Malaysia
-what are the ways to recycle and what can be recycled
-also focus on effects of pollutions and environmental pollution in Malaysia based on examples given(refer to my class notes)
-others such as thining of ozone layer,greenhouse effects and effects of CFC to ozone layer
Chap 4:
-Firstly you learn to identify the difference between organic and inorganic compounds(refer to my class notes)
-the types of hydrocarbons(refer my notes) i.e alkane CnH2n+2 and alkene CnH2n
-for alcohol you learn the names CnH2n + OH,how to prepare alcohol by using yeast and glucose solution,uses of alcohol
-effects of alcohol on human being
-the making of esher using Ethanol + organic acid +Sulphuric acid = ester + water(refer to my class notes)
-difference between saturated fats and non saturated fats
-Remember palm oil fruit label and the process of extraction of oil(refer to my class notes)
-process of making soap(refer to my class notes)using palm oil+concentrated sodium hydroxide and adding common salt(sodium chloride) solution into it,filtered it and you get soap
-also soap action on clothes(refer to my class notes)
-For natural polymers you study what is polymerisation and depolymerisation
-learn some examples of monomer transformed into polymers by natural way and non natural way
-know the function of ammonia(makes latex liquidified always),methanoic acid(coagulate latex) and carbon disulphide (melts latex)(refer to my class notes)
-know why and how vulcanisation are made and the effects of before and after vulcanisation
Chap 5:
Focus on the :
-you must knw how to draw the 4 stroke of engine petrol and diesel and their difference(refer to my class notes)
-knw each stage of the 4 stages what happen there i.e induction?,Compression?,Power? and Exhaust?
-principle of gear system(refer to my class notes)
-how to calculate Distance,speed and time including acceleration(refer to my class notes)
-refer to my notes concept map on types of inertia and momentum
-know the formula of conservation of momentum (refer to my class notes)
-the formula of pressure..remember 1 Nm-2 = 1 Pa
-the formula of hydraulic system(refer to my class notes)
Very Important!!!!!
Chap 6:
-will be explained in class later
Chap 7:
-will be explained in class later
Chap 8:
Will be thought to you later in class
note: refer to my classes notes.......intensive class CONCEPT MAP!!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Jadual Waktu Kelas Ganti Cuti Hari Raya Puasa
Friday, August 21, 2009
Jadual Waktu Tuisyen PTL
Rabu 26/8/09
Ting 2 Science 8.00 - 9.30am
Ting 2 Maths 9.30 - 11.00am
Ting 4 Maths. 12.00 - 1.30pm
Kelas Intensif Ting 3, 1.30 - 3.00pm spt . biasa
Ting 3 Science 3.00 - 4.30pm
Ting 3 Maths. 4.30 - 6.00pm
Nota: Jadual di atas adalah sepanjang musim cuti sekolah bulan ogos 2009 sahaja.Kelas kembali beroperasi spt. jadual bulan puasa dibawah.Sekian Terima Kasih
Kelas Intensif Ting 3, 4.00 - 6.30pm spt . biasa ,
Nota:Kepada pelajar2 Sains ,Kelas Intensif Ting 3 Science mengikut jadual yang telah ditetapkan,sila rujuk tutor anda
Ting 5 Mod. Maths. 3.00 - 5.00pm
Ting 2 Maths. 12.30 - 2.00pm
Ting 3 Science 2.00 - 3.30am
Ting 4 Maths. 3.30 - 5.00pm
Ting 2 Maths. 12.30 - 2.00pm
Ting 2 Science 2.00 - 3.30am
Sekian Terima Kasih, Harap Maklum
Jadual Waktu Tuisyen PTS
Isnin 24/8/09
Ting 1 Science 8.00 - 9.30am
Ting 1 Maths 9.30 - 11.00am
Selasa 25/8/09
Ting 2 Science 8.00 - 9.30am
Ting 2 Maths. 9.30 - 11.00am
Ting 3 Science 12.00 - 1.30pm
Ting 3 Maths. 1.30 - 3.00pm
Ting 4 Maths. 3.00 - 4.30pm
Ting 5 Maths 4.30 - 6.00pm
Khamis 27/8/09
Ting 4 Add. Maths. 8.00 - 9.30am
Ting 5 Add. Maths 9.30 - 11.00am
Kelas Intensif Ting 3, 11.00-12.30tgh
Nota: Jadual di atas adalah sepanjang musim cuti sekolah bulan ogos 2009 sahaja.Kelas kembali beroperasi spt. jadual bulan puasa dibawah.Sekian Terima Kasih
Ting 4 Add. Maths. 3.30 - 5.00pm
Ting 5 Add. Maths. 5.00 - 6.30pm
Ting 1 Maths. 8.30 - 10.00pm
Nota:Kepada pelajar2 Sains ,Kelas Intensif Ting 5 Science mengikut jadual yang telah ditetapkan,sila rujuk tutor anda
Ting 4 Mod. Maths. 3.30 - 5.00pm
Ting 5 Mod. Maths. 5.00 - 6.30pm
Ting 2 Maths. 8.30 - 10.00pm
Ting 3 Science 10.00 - 11.30am
Ting 2 Science 8.30 - 10.00pm
Kelas Intensif Ting 3 8.30 - 10.00am spt . biasa
Ting 3 Maths. 10.00 - 11.30am
Ting 5 Science 4.00 - 5.30pm
Ting 1 Science 8.30 - 10.00pm
Sekian Terima Kasih, Harap Maklum
Jadual Waktu Tuisyen PTMi
Isnin 24/8/09
Ting 2 Science 12.00 - 1.30pm
Ting 2 Maths 1.30 - 3.00pm
Ting 3 Maths. 4.30 - 6.00pm
Nota: Jadual di atas adalah sepanjang musim cuti sekolah bulan ogos 2009 sahaja.Kelas kembali beroperasi spt. jadual bulan puasa dibawah.Sekian Terima Kasih
Ting 3 Science 3.00 - 4.45pm
Ting 3 Maths. 4.45 - 6.00pm
Ting 2 Science 7.30 - 8.45am
Ting 2 Maths. 8.45 - 10.00am
Sekian Terima Kasih, Harap Maklum